

At DSL Thailand we do not merely pay “lip service” to environmental issues, our Environmental Management System (EMS) has been developed to identify which areas of our business activities interact or could interact with the Environment. We are committed to promoting and continually improving best environmental practice and we believe that environmental issues must be an integral part of our business strategy.

Our Environmental Management System has been certified to ISO 14001:2015 the latest version of the standard.

View Certificate

Environmental Policy

DSL Thailand Limited is committed to:-

  • Comply with all relevant environmental statutory provisions
  • Inform all its employees of their responsibilities in following best practice and their contribution towards achieving continuous improvements in environmental performance
  • Setting clear environmental objectives that are relevant to the nature, scale and environmental objectives to monitor improvements against set standards
  • Ensuring adequate and suitable resources both material and financial are made available  as necessary
  • Recording and reporting on company environmental performance

Key Environmental Objectives:-

  • Reducing waste at all levels within the company;
  • Re-using and re-cycling of materials wherever possible,
  • Consulting with our suppliers and customers to promote best practice in the selection, use   and waste minimization of all materials used by the company;
  • Reducing the inputs and outputs of energy resources by the company through suitable       management of our buildings, vehicles and equipment;
  • Reducing and avoiding where possible any pollution of the air, land or water from our company activities;
  • Actively encourage and promote environmental best practice by all the company’s employees;

We are committed to implementing environmental best practice to enable each division within the company to carry out its business activities in an environmentally sensitive manner.